Saturday, February 8, 2014


It has been a while since I have written a blog. My life took a different turn,
when at my advanced age my first grandchild was born in April 3 ’13. She is wonderful and I am entirely smitten. She has the 23rd chromosome, meaning that she has Downs. She had open heart surgery in July so he had a slow start. She is now 10 months old and just wonderful, and funny. We call her our little clown, for she keeps us laughing. She has had several overnights with grandma and grandpa. In November I kept her for 5 days while mommy and daddy had their second honeymoon. Then we had again in January for 5 days when mommy and daddy had the flu. My daughter-in-love has not gotten her driver’s license so I have been taking her and the baby to appointments. I am happy to do so. It gives me a sense of usefulness. What with all the changes in my life I thought it wise to retire from my volunteer position as painting teacher. A position I have had for 14 years. I wanted to be free to be available when needed to take my grandchild to any time that was needed.
It has been a while since I have written a blog. My life took a different turn, when at my advanced age my first grandchild was born in April 3 ’13. She is wonderful and I am entirely smitten. She has the 23rd chromosome, meaning that she has Downs. She had open heart surgery in July so he had a slow start. She is now 10 months old and just wonderful, and funny. We call her our little clown, for she keeps us laughing. She has had several overnights with grandma and grandpa. In November I kept her for 5 days while mommy and daddy had their second honeymoon. Then we had again in January for 5 days when mommy and daddy had the flu. My daughter-in-love has not gotten her driver’s license so I have been taking her and the baby to appointments. I am happy to do so. It gives me a sense of usefulness. What with all the changes in my life I thought it wise to retire from my volunteer position as painting teacher. A position I have had for 14 years. I wanted to be free to be available when needed to take my grandchild to any time that was needed.
I have also been enjoying making things for my grandchild. I have written 6 books for her. I have made her teaching toys. I made hand puppets hoping to help with verbiage. As of today my granddaughter is mute. We got her, her first library card two weeks ago. Her mother is an avid reader. She puts my granddaughter to bed for a nap and night time with the alphabet playing on the computer. I belive she will be a very clever little girl.
Be blessed to be a blessing

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