Monday, August 20, 2012

I have just had the most amazing birthday I am now “Older Than Dirt” I got a greeting from my sister –in-love with all kinds of confetti and little plastic words that said “Older Than Dirt” :^) I got a big laugh from that. My husband and children gave me their love. Several friends sent me flowers and cards. My class gave me a surprise party. They gave me a collage of all the class members and a very nice monetary gift and a beautiful bouquet of white roses. They all sang a song that one of the members wrote for me. See here below It’s called “Sandy” to the tune of Candy…by Carl Wells …Nova Wells at the piano Sandy we call out teacher Sandy ‘cause Sandy is really handy, at setting colors free! Our teacher Sandy, we go together grand-ly, like red birds in green trees, were com-ple-men-tary! We wish that were four of her, so we could paint much of her. She has filled our color palette, with Quinacridone and Scarlet_ Sandy—she’s stolen our complete heart. We love her that’s the best part. We need her company. Verse2 Sandy, We think you’re really dandy, Like red stripes on white candy, We need your company. With Teacher Sandy we go together grandly, like blue birds on an orange tree, we’re complementary! Her sable brush shaped like a wedge can find a shape and lose an edge; Add some texture as listen- salt it when it’s lost its glisten. Sandy, Oh please don’t ever leave me, we do not have a plan B we need you constantly. And then because of my surgery I have been out and have been grounded. I missed the day they planned to give the party Carl wrote a 3rd verse to the tune Al Jolson’s Mammy Sandy, Sandy We paint the east, we paint the west, --but we know where we paint the best—with Sandy--- Her doctor had to scold her, because he hurt her shoulder--- She did too much too soon. Sandy---You really NEED that shoulder, improving when you are older, So treat it right RIGHT NOW They called themselves the Senior Citizens Chorale Group Be blessed to be a blessing cause I sure am!
Daisy's by Lee larkin

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