I am so thankful for my recovery form a double total knee replacement.I went to my 6 week post-op appointment on Tuesday January 26Th. The Dr was just blown away at my progress. He said that most people at their 6 week post-op are still on a walker or at least on a cane. I haven't used a cane since week 3. I am walking so beautifully. I can get up out of a chair without using my hands and I can sit without falling into the chair. That is amazing to me.
I had a movie party for a few friends to celebrate my recovery. I called it my "coming out party" I went to the grocery store to buy the few things I needed. I made a lovely lunch of soup and salad. I set the table beautifully and I bought caramel corn for desert, to have while watching the movie. A friend brought the movie “Julia and Julie” We have a projection TV that projects a 5ft by 8ft screen. The day was just beautiful all of this just 7 weeks from point of knife to party.
Now not another word about my surgery. Onward and upward. I am so eager to start teaching my "Creative Art" class. I will be using the notes that I took in Jane E. Jone's watercolor class in 1989 - 90 and Nita Leland's The creative Artist.. We shall see what we shall see.