Have you ever made black beans and rice? I never had until our new neighbors, CUBAN) moved in last year. And on one occasion they brought us some Cuban food which consisted of black beans and rice accompanied with some kind of a soft taco. Anyway I decided to try it on my own. I soaked the black beans.
When the first water came out really really black, my husband laughingly said I wonder if you could watercolor with that. Well we all know that watercolor is only stained water :>) I felt the challenge. So I took a bit of Arches watercolor paper and taped it to a watercolor board. I tore pieces of masking tape to mask off where I would want a flower. I then did a watercolor wash, and allowed it to dry. I made another pass to indicate distant hills, and drew in branches and leaves and indicated pine trees. I did some bruising, and allowed it to dry again. I then made one last pass to darken the leaves and trees.
Then ol’e smarty me! I thought it would be cool to paint the flowers with beet juice, and the centers with mustard. I also mixed the beet juice and mustard together to get orange too. After all this experimenting I did a little pen and ink and -- voila! :>)
Be Blessed to be a blessing
what a fun thing to try and such a lovely result. Your art work is gorgeous. Where is this slide show?
I don;t know how to send it out I just did it for my own. If any one knows e-mail me at
Be Blessed Sandy
Sandy, you are truly amazing. I cannot believe how you painted this gorgeous piece...it is stunning. How did you make such beautiful flowers?? Your pen and ink is phenomenal. I sure wish I could draw. And to think you used beet juice!!