Friday, September 2, 2011


Here it is the end of summer as we know it. Labor Day always signals the end of summer. When I was a girl we never had to back to school until after the Labor Day holiday. Here in Texas it is really still too hot in my view. But know one ask me, so our little tykes started back to school week ago. The temperature was 106 degrees That blows me away .

All images are from Google

I said to my husband this week “Honey do you realize that we have spent the whole summer in the catacombs ". We have kept the blinds and doors closed to keep out the heat. I am ready for the heat wave to break. Our weather man David Finfrok tells us that it has been the hottest summer ever recorded here in north Texas. ENOUGH But I can say we don’t have to shovel snow :>) we only have winter 30 minutes at a time. :>)

I am having a time finding the findings I need to finish my Bead Soup. Gun metal is not so widely stocked in our craft stores. Lori did say on the forum that it is really cool to mix our metals. I did go to Etsy and find bead caps. and to another Etsy for small caps I may have to mix my metals. Stay tuned.
Be blessed to be a blessing

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