Monday, November 1, 2010

October 30 and 31 Events

Years ago when my husband volunteered for the Southwest Film/Video Archives, and we had access to thousands of films, and he had a projection booth in our back yard, he would show cartoons and I would serve popcorn to the Trick or Theaters’. When he retired and the Southern Methodist Univ. closed down the archives (dumb move) we no longer had access to the cartoons. So we stopped showing movies on the patio. Well my husband became heir to a video projector so we were able to continue the tradition of Cartoons on Halloween. We had several parents bring their children last night saying they remember how we showed cartoon when they were kids. That was a warm fuzzy feeling.

On Saturday I was a vendor at a Seniors Craft fair. I sold the jewelry that I have been making all summer. I only had 3 sales but I did pretty well. The crowd was very small. Like my son would say ”If you don’t advertise it is like blinking in the dark.” I was surprised at the pieces that sold I don’t know why they were my favorite pieces.>

Be Blessed

1 comment:

  1. I like your son's saying! Vending for small crowds is tough -- been there! But your things look lovely and your smile is awesome!
